Let's Play Jazz!
Mastering Chords and Scales for Jazz Improvisation
Bb and Eb Saxophones

Start improvising today with internationally acclaimed jazz educator Martin Jacobsen’s easy approach to chords and scales and the building blocks of jazz! Moving from few notes to jazz lines and rhythms, you will learn the secrets behind a basic, and more advanced solo chorus. Martin’s work with saxophonists of every level has taken him around the world from Europe to East Asia, teaching hundreds of students the fundamentals of jazz.

Advance Music 2025, ADV7163
ISBN: 978-3-95481-076-5




Let's Speak Jazz!
A Conversational Approach to Jazz Improvisation for Saxophonists
Bb and Eb Saxophones

In this English workbook saxophonists will find everything they want to know about sound, technique, and improvisation. Drawing upon his many years of experience in the education and training of up-and-coming musicians, Martin Jacobsen provides a motivating introduction to the fascinating world of jazz improvisation for moderately advanced saxophonists.

Advance Music 2018, ADV7157
ISBN: 978-3-95481-045-1